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$9.95, paper, 105 pages, 1973

The Politics of Nonviolent Action, Gene Sharp 

Part 1: Power and Struggle 

A rigorous analysis of political power, demonstrating that it derives from sources in the society. Even the power of dictators can be destroyed by withdrawal of necessary sources of cooperation. With an introduction to the technique of nonviolent action, its characteristics, history and achievements.  


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The Politics of Nonviolent Action is a major exploration of the nature of nonviolent struggle. This unabridged edition is in three volumes: Power and Struggle, The Methods of Nonviolent Action, and The Dynamics of Nonviolent Action.

Power and Struggle begins with an examination of political power. It is often assumed that power derives from violence and can be controlled only by greater violence. Actually, power derives from sources in the society which may be restricted or severed by withdrawal of cooperation by the populace.

The political power of governments may in fact be very fragile. Even the power of dictators may be destroyed by withdrawal of the human assistance which made the regime possible.

Nonviolent action is based on that insight.

"Those Americans who believe that violence is an obsolete method of settling disputes between civilized peoples will want to read The Politics of Nonviolent Action."-Former Senator Joseph S. Clark

" should be required reading at the U.S. Naval Academy."-Captain George Walker, U.S.N.

" extraordinary reference work for people who want to know how to resist the inhumanity of this society..."-Elizabeth McAlister, The New Republic

"Sharp is the Machiavelli of nonviolence."-William B. Watson, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

"...provides a new and vastly improved context for the ethical debate about strategies...And thank God that at least one sociologist can write intelligible English!"-David Gill, Church and Society, World Council of Churches

"The book offers an astonishing amount of information, and it is both cogent and accessible...Gene Sharp has provided us all with an example of courageous alternative thinking...We need such a kiss of life."-Donald Foran, America

"This significant book is a valuable storehouse of relevant information."-The Martin Luther King, Jr. Center for Nonviolent Social Change, Atlanta

Extending Horizons Books • 400 Bedford Street Suite SW03, Manchester, New Hampshire 03101 USA